Monday, January 7, 2013

1 Snap a Day - Day 7

This is my final Resolutions post...and it's an important one for me.

Day 7:

A very bad thing happened today...
I take A LOT of photos.  I'm usually good about backing them up...I burn the photos to a CD and also file them in the Creative Memories Memory Manager system (since I'm a consultant, it's a given!).  It's been a little over a year since I've filed and backed up, so I was getting nervous that my laptop would crash.  Yesterday I took ALL of my photos off the laptop and moved them to my external hard drive before I started filing them into Memory Manager (which is where the "vault" for MM is also located).  Anyway, I was making good progress, UNTIL...
This afternoon I went to work on filing and the "photos" folder was missing on the external hard drive.  Then, I couldn't access anything because it said the drive was corrupt..WTF?!  At this point, I started having trouble I seriously going to lose the ENTIRE year of 2012??  I called the hubby in a complete panic.  After talking with his IT guy, the hubby walked me through some kind of scan thing (as much as I use computers, you would think I know how this stuff works...not. at. all.), which is pictured above.  After about an hour of scanning the drive, I held my breath and tried to access the hard drive.  There was ONE file on it.  Oh my...
At this point, between talking with a friend and my hubby, I started running a recovery program with a "deep scan".  It is currently still scanning and will continue to scan for another 8-10 hours (it keeps changing).  If this recovers all of my photos, I would wait days!  Please send good recovery thoughts for my photos (and sanity) as I wait for my beloved photos. 
This is a big lesson for me to stay on top of backing up my photos!!!

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