Tuesday, January 8, 2013

1 Snap a Day - Day 8

Day 8:
One of our gifts to the Peas for Christmas was an empty fish tank.  We told them that we would all go shopping for a fish for each of them.  The Hubby and I had done the research in advance and thought the Glofish would be perfect for them.  Of course, when we actually went over the weekend, they were sold out.  So we settled on five Neon Tetras.  The kids were all excited, trying to come up with names for them.
Aaaaand I'm pretty sure the poor fish were scared stiff, because I'm sure they saw this:

After the Peas went to bed, we were joking about whose fish would be the first to visit the ocean in the sky.  Sure enough, the next morning there were only four fish (and my sweet Hubby declared that mine was the one that got caught in the filter).  The Peas keep thinking they're playing hide and seek, and I'm just a really good hider.  I guess tomorrow I will be sneaking to the pet store so I can replace myself...

1 comment:

  1. That is too cute and funny! You're story made me smile. Hope you were replace mommy fish quickly without any of the little peas noticing.
