Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 16 and 17

Ahhh, I'm finally caught up with my photo posts!  My images for this week are nothing my flu infested state, all I could grab was my phone camera. 

Day 16:

My sleeping buddy
When I was finally able to migrate to the couch, Ozzie remained my faithful companion, sleeping right next to my head (and carrying on with her usual bullie snore).  I swear she knows when one of us is sick, because she wants to be around that person ALL the time.  When I was in bed, she would go down to eat and pee, then she'd bolt back up to my room and sleep next to my side of the bed.  Good dog.
Day 17:

Please, just EAT!
I'm finally feeling human today, so it's back to making semi-healthy meals.  When a parent is sick, all healthy habits for their children go out the window.  Sure, you can have another bowl of Lucky Charms (where you ONLY eat the marshmallows), followed by some Goldfish and Cheerios.  No veggies?  Suuure.  Well, tonight I cracked the whip.  The Little Pea has always been a terrible poor eater, no matter what I did. the point of vomiting when he tried veggies.  I'm almost ready to call in the professionals on this one.  So, sure enough a meltdown occured between trying to eat the chicken and the peppers (he gobbled up the perogies).  He did end up eating the peppers, but no chicken (because he threw that up last time he "tried" it).  I still considered the peppers a victory!
Hopefully back on track with the real camera tomorrow!!

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